thinkin that i need to unmasking this word.a word tht somtime is used for two contrary things.
i called a friend, i am gonna pulang to indonesia, may be at the end of decemeber..then the answer comes..oh yaa? then when are you going to pulang ke NL..
this is the thing.weird.
the word 'pulang' also is promising, promising a kinda feeling so called 'kangen'.
promising a feelin of comfort. deep down in the unconscious-mind, when somone is pulang.dunno what, kinda medicine for so called homesick
if u re exhaustive, usually the word 'pulang' comes.
when tired, hate everithin, then..this word comes.
i wanna pulang, now i have to pulang. i miss this and that..
looks like the word 'pulang' is closer with location and time.certain time in a place where we live, so then the place is appropriate to say as a place to pulang.
what is actually the satisfaction given by the ideology of the pulang it self to its followers? is it rights that aftar pulang, there will be a kinda change?
what do you want to do at pulang place? where do you want to pulang?
which one do you expect to meet at such place?
if somebody pulangs, let say after 5 years to a certain place so by then, what/who have you met there? building? people? homy feeling?
friend? ( no, they had gone, usually). they are all to whom you been homesick?
Pulang, is it merely a phiscological fenomena??????
or somethin objectvelly can be proven?
hmmm....seems i am more convinced by the first one.
this is only a mentality fenomena.
an effort of resistance to the different challanges
and symptom of readiness
by trying to escape from reality.
pulang is not real, is nothing
you will not pulang anywhere.
and you can not pulang
there is no way for pulang
instead of:
continuing to walk to the new journey
facing them all..and lets punch them all!!!
all places, all cities, all countries,all villages, as long they are in the world are place to pulang. you are not and can not be an alien or a stranger, your are settler where ever u are.
( bahasa means more less: go home.)
(kangen is bloody missing somethin)
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