Monday, March 10, 2008

reminder for project on May - Dec 08

i found that what i have done
is not what i have planned yester year.
i am strugglin with my very heavy study
load which is never thought before.

actually my plannin was
to write all of my experiences in
the more theoretical or conceptual ways as long my study period.
ok, but i still committ in doing that next month.

this month, hopefully, i will finish the hardest part
of the study. april next month i will attend the
last term, besides doing my research.
seems it will be less heavy than before..

what i want to write will be about 6 month staying in simalungun, 10 years ago..
studying in university, building student movemnt, social movement in indonesia, workin in ngo, north sumatera maping in term of social and political map, west coast and east coast, developmnt model in indonesia,
and writing someting related to credo in my my option and position to certain thoughts.

hopefully will be reached.

kingkong, march 10,08.
...thts sucks..tommorrow i have a presentation in class..!!!

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