Petani kemenyan di desa Pandumaan dan Sipituhuta, menemukan fakta lanjutan penebangan kemenyan yang dilakukan oleh PT. Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL). Bahkan lebih dari itu, penebangan sudah masuk jauh (encroaching) ke lahan adat milik desa Pandumaan dan Sipituhuta. TPL pertama kali membabat hutan di tombak Simataniari dan Huta Godung kecamatan Parlilitan, sebelah barat Kecamatan Pollung. Proses pembabatan hutan berlangsung dengan mulus karena protes petani kemenyan Parlilitan dapat diredam. Penebangan kemenyan secara massal pun berlanjut merambah wilayah hutan Lombang Nabagas, Tombak Sipiturura dan Dolok Ginjang. ”Dari 4.100 Ha hutan kemenyan, sekitar 300 ha telah diambil,” jelas Saur Tumiur Situmorang dari Bakumsu.
Terjadinya penebangan pohon kemenyan di Lombang Nabagas, membuat ratusan warga Pandumaan dan Sipituhuta melakukan protes dan perlawanan. Sebagian tumpukan kayu yang ada di lahan mereka yakni Lombang Nabagas dibakar, supaya tidak dibawa oleh PT. TPL, sementara peralatan berupa cinsaw ditahan oleh warga dengan persetujuan pihak PT. TPL, dan ditandatangani oleh Kepala Desa Pandumaan.
Perampasan Lahan dan Kriminalisasi Perjuangan Rakyat
Adalah PT. Toba Pulp Lestari—sebelumnya bernama PT Inti Indorayon Utama. Dalam tiap wilayah operasinya kerap melakukan perusakan lingkungan dan pelanggaran terhadap hak-hak masyarakat sekitar, termasuk di Humbang Hasundutan. Dalam beberapa hari saja TPL telah menebang hutan kemenyan seluas 300 hektar. Padahal, 100% keluarga di sini menggantungkan hidup dari komoditi kemenyan. Selain itu, TPL juga membangun jalan dari tiap kawasan yang telah dibuka.”Dengan menebangi kemenyan maka TPL telah membunuh kami pelan-pelan,” ujar Haposan Sinambela, warga Pandumaan. Tombak kemenyan diakui masyarakat telah ada dan dilestarikan hingga 13 generasi.
Tindakan sembarangan PT.TPL disikapi masyarakat secara kritis, namun sayangnya upaya perjuangan masyarakat untuk mempertahankan hak, adat lokal dan lingkungan dijegal dengan pola-pola represi dan intimidasi yang lazimnya berlaku di rezim orde baru. Berbekal SK Menteri Kehutanan No. 44/Menhut-II/2005, tentang Penunjukan Kawasan Hutan di Wilayah Provinsi Sumatera Utara, dan Surat Dinas Kehutanan Sumut Nomor 552.21/0684/IV, tertanggal 29 Januari 2009, perihal Rencana Kerja Tahunan (RKT) PT Toba Pulp Lestari Tahun 2009 TPL berlaku laiknya pemegang tunggal penguasaan hutan di wilayah eksplorasi dan sekitarnya. Alas hukum menangkap seseorang, seharusnya memakai undang-undang, bukan SK atau surat keputusan,”Ungkap Gindo Nadapdap, SH, Direktur KPS.
Hentikan Operasi TPL di Hutan Kemenyan milik desa Pandumaan dan Sipituhuta
Konflik masyarakat adat petani Kemenyan desa Pandumaan dan Sipituhuta versus TPL semakin menajam pasca pertemuan multi pihak Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009. Jumlah tersangka yang sebelumnya hanya 7 orang, bertambah menjadi 13 orang. “Terjadi tiga gelombang kriminalisasi terhadap petani kemenyan. Gelombang pertama Rabu, 15 Juli 2009, sekitar 200 orang aparat polres Humbang Hasundutan datang ke desa, menangkap dan menahan 4 orang warga. Gelombang kedua tanggal 10 agustus 2009 adalah penetapan tersangka baru terhadap 3 orang petani kemenyan, yang disangka ikut melakukan pengrusakan dan pembakaran. Dua gelombang kriminalisasi ini terjadi karena pengaduan pihak TPL terhadap Polres Humbang. Gelombang ketiga adalah tanggal 28 Agustus 2009, pasca pertemuan multipihak di Bakumsu. Kriminalisasi gelombang ketiga ini sangat bertentangan dengan semangat yang muncul dalam pertemuan multipihak 27 Agustus yakni upaya menghentikan konflik denvan cara masing masing pihak tidak melakukan tindakan yang merugikan bagi pihak lainnya. Tiga gelombang pemidanaan ini menunjukkan kepada siapa kepolisian berpihak, ” Ujar Saurlin Siagian dari Bakumsu.
TPL masih melakukan praktik perambahan hutan dan melanggar nilai dan hak masyarakat lokal. Selain itu, dosa tak terhingga akibat operasi yang menyebabkan kerusakan ekologi di Tapanuli. ”Penebangan pohon diareal penyangga danau Toba menyebabkan penurunan debit air yang di danau Toba drastis,” ujar Tumpak dari Barsdem. Rusaknya hutan akibat penebangan juga ikut memusnahkan habitat binatang di Tapanuli. Seperti yang terjadi tanggal 3 Agustus lampau, dimana beruang masuk desa dan merusak beberapa rumah warga.
“Yang kita saksikan bukan hanya penggundulan hutan, tapi juga proses penghancuran alam kehidupan kita secara brutal,” ujar Sahat Tarida, dari Walhi SU. Tahun ini saja sudah banyak bencana ekologi yang terjadi di Sumatera Utara yang diakibatkan akumulasi kerusakan lingkungan akibat ulah koorporasi. TPL telah beroperasi puluhan tahun dan sama sekali tidak berkontribusi bagi kemajuan masyarakat, masihkah patut dipertahankan?
Medan, 17 September 2009
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Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Alkisah sekitar 20 abad yang lalu, dalam buku Alkitab, dikisahkan tentang orang-orang cerdik pandai dari timur yang melihat bintang penanda telah lahirnya seorang anak manusia yang spesial, Isa Al Masih, atau Yesus. Mereka membawa tiga barang berharga sebagai simbol keagungan yang telah lahir itu. Emas, mur, dan kemenyan. Emas dan mur adalah simbol keagungan, dan kemenyan adalah simbol kekudusan dan pengaruh. Orang orang majus itu telah meramalkan kebesaran yang baru lahir itu.
Beberapa saat lamanya, Herodes, sang raja diktator kolonial Romawi, mencium bau kebesaran ini yang menyebar dari mulut ke mulut hingga ke istana. Dimana gerangan bayi yang di ekstrim yang satu, lahir secara tidak wajar dikandang binatang, namun diekstrim yang lain sampai menarik perhatian para ahli perbintangan, karena sebuah bintang terang menjadi penanda lahirnya si bayi. Secara buru-buru dan gegabah, sang diktator membuat kebijakan untuk membunuh semua bayi berumur dibawah 5 tahun di seluruh negri.
Sungguh mengerikan titah ini. Catatan kependudukan akan membuktikan bahwa terjadi penurunan drastik jumlah penduduk, terputusnya generasi, dan hilangnya hidup ratusan ribu bayi dalam waktu sekejap. Penyelamatan harus segera dilakukan kepada mahkota kerajaan, pangeran “Kemenyan” itu.
Seperti Sang Putra Mahkota yang diburon itu, di Tapanuli, tepatnya Pollung, pohon-pohon ‘mulia’ ini juga sedang dicari-cari untuk dimusnahkan. Sejak Juli lalu lebih dari 300 HA sudah rata dengan tanah. Sisanya, hanya menunggu waktu. Ini adalah pertarungan antara para pecinta kematian, para herodes-herodes jaman ini, dengan para pecinta kehidupan. Pertarungan antara pecinta uang dan pecinta Tuhan. Pertarungan antara Perusahaan perusak kehidupan bersama para algojonya versus masyarakat adat yang hidup dengan harmoni dan alam.
14 orang harus menjadi tersangka untuk mempertahankan tumbuhan titipan Tuhan itu. Mereka akan menjadi saksi sejarah perjuangan mempertahankan kehidupan. Mungkin mereka bisa menjadi tersangka, atau bisa dipenjara, tetapi sejarah akan menceritakan siapa Herodes-Herodes penghisap darah, dan siapa para pembawa kehidupan bagi umat manusia(kng).
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Beberapa saat lamanya, Herodes, sang raja diktator kolonial Romawi, mencium bau kebesaran ini yang menyebar dari mulut ke mulut hingga ke istana. Dimana gerangan bayi yang di ekstrim yang satu, lahir secara tidak wajar dikandang binatang, namun diekstrim yang lain sampai menarik perhatian para ahli perbintangan, karena sebuah bintang terang menjadi penanda lahirnya si bayi. Secara buru-buru dan gegabah, sang diktator membuat kebijakan untuk membunuh semua bayi berumur dibawah 5 tahun di seluruh negri.
Sungguh mengerikan titah ini. Catatan kependudukan akan membuktikan bahwa terjadi penurunan drastik jumlah penduduk, terputusnya generasi, dan hilangnya hidup ratusan ribu bayi dalam waktu sekejap. Penyelamatan harus segera dilakukan kepada mahkota kerajaan, pangeran “Kemenyan” itu.
Seperti Sang Putra Mahkota yang diburon itu, di Tapanuli, tepatnya Pollung, pohon-pohon ‘mulia’ ini juga sedang dicari-cari untuk dimusnahkan. Sejak Juli lalu lebih dari 300 HA sudah rata dengan tanah. Sisanya, hanya menunggu waktu. Ini adalah pertarungan antara para pecinta kematian, para herodes-herodes jaman ini, dengan para pecinta kehidupan. Pertarungan antara pecinta uang dan pecinta Tuhan. Pertarungan antara Perusahaan perusak kehidupan bersama para algojonya versus masyarakat adat yang hidup dengan harmoni dan alam.
14 orang harus menjadi tersangka untuk mempertahankan tumbuhan titipan Tuhan itu. Mereka akan menjadi saksi sejarah perjuangan mempertahankan kehidupan. Mungkin mereka bisa menjadi tersangka, atau bisa dipenjara, tetapi sejarah akan menceritakan siapa Herodes-Herodes penghisap darah, dan siapa para pembawa kehidupan bagi umat manusia(kng).
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Petani Kemenyan LAWAN Kesewenang-wenangan TPL
“Kami melawanan kesewenang-wenangan ini. Mereka telah menghancurkan tombak haminjon yang diwariskan nenek moyang kami sejak 300 tahun yang lalu. Tidak ada pilihan, kami harus melawan, demi keselamatan dan keberlanjutan generasi kami di Pandumaan dan Sipituhuta, ini dengan mengambil satu satunya mata pencaharian kami, ini artinya adalah pembunuhan pelan-pelan terhadap kami,”Kata Pdt. Haposan Sinambela, salah seorang pejuang petani Kemenyan dari desa Pandumaan. Kersik Sihite menambahkan,”Dengan penghancuran tombak haminjon kami, secara perlahan tapi pasti, kami dipaksa menjadi hatoban (budak) ditanah sendiri”.
Konflik antara masyarakat desa pandumaan dan sipitu huta versus PT. Toba Pulp Lestari telah menjadi issu nasional, yang dipicu oleh aksi PT TPL yang melakukan penebangan yang diduga illegal terhadap tombak kemenyan milik rakyat dan penangkapan terhadap 4 orang petani oleh aparat Polres humbang hasundutan. Upaya dialog yang telah dilakukan berbagai pihak yang peduli dengan persoalan ini, ternyata diingkari oleh PT. TPL. Penebangan pohon kemenyan terus berlanjut.
Petani kemenyan seperti berkejaran dengan waktu. Ketika dialog dimulai, penebangan pohon kemenyan terus berlangsung di hutan. Kepiting dan alat berat lainnya terus melakukan penebangan. Ini artinya pihak TPL tidak menghargai dialog. Teknologi pemotongan kayu tentu tidak sebanding dengan kemampuan petani untuk melakukan pengawasan. Untuk mencapai lokasi tengah hutan dimana TPL melakukan penebangan saja, dibutuhkan 4 jam perjalanan dari desa. “Karena itu, petani kemenyan memutuskan untuk turun kehutan dan melakukan pengusiran terhadap TPL,”kata Lumbangaol.
Tombak kemenyan yang telah diusahai oleh rakyat ratusan tahun lamanya secara mendadak ditebangi oleh PT TPL. Lahan yang ditebangi, hanya dalam beberapa hari saja sudah mencapai ratusan hektar, diikuti dengan pembangunan ruas jalan disetiap lahan yang dibuka. PT. TPL bersikukuh bahwa hutan pohon yang ditebangi tidak termasuk milik masyarakat, dan sudah mendapatkan ijin dari menteri kehutanan. TPL rajin berkampanye, bahwa mereka tidak akan menebangi kemenyan, nyatanya mereka menebangi kemenyan kami,”Ungkap Sinambela.
Kahumas PT. TPL, Chairuddin Pasaribu, dalam dialog di kantor Bakumsu Medan, tanggal 27 Agustus 2009, menyampaikan bahwa mereka bekerja sesuai dengan Rencana Kerja Tahunan yang telah disahkan sesuai keputusan Ijin Usaha Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Kayu Hutan Tanaman Industri (IUPHHK-HTI) No. 493/Kpts-II/1992 yang disetujui oleh Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Propinsi Sumatera Utara, Ir. J.B. Siringoringo di Medan tanggal 29 Januari 2009. Lambertus Siregar, kepala CSR PT. TPL, dalam pertemuan yang sama menyampaikan bahwa kehadiran TPL untuk mensejahterakan masyarakat. “Kami tidak menebangi Kemenyan, malah TPL sudah membudidayakan benih Kemenyan untuk diserahkan kepada petani,”tambahnya.
Pernyataan ini disanggah oleh Sinambela, salah seorang petani kemenyan karena faktanya TPL melakukan penebangan pohon-pohon kemenyan. Pengalaman kami dan nenek moyang kami ratusan tahun membuktikan bahwa kemenyan hanya bisa hidup di hutan berdampingan dengan pohon-pohon yang lain, oleh karena itu penebangan seluruh pepohonan di hutan, dengan sendirinya akan membuat kemenyan punah, “Sanggahnya.
Bagaimanapun, berbagai dialog yang telah diupayakan berkali-kali tidak membuahkan hasil, malah yang terjadi adalah petani kemenyan terus menerus harus was-was, karena setiap waktu, jumlah tersangka bertambah. Hingga laporan ini ditulis, telah terdapat 14 orang tersangka petani kemenyan oleh pihak Polres Humbahas. Kapolda Sumatera Utara, Irjen Badrodin Haiti kelihatannya langsung melakukan perintah. Ada petunjuk dari kapolda,”Ujar Kasat reskrim Polres Humbahas, AKP Victor Sibarani, seperti dikutip sebuah media nasional.
Bagi polisi dan TPL mereka adalah pelaku pengrusakan, tetapi bagi rakyat Indonesia, mereka akan dikenang sebagai pahlawan. Ke 13 pahlawan dan pejuang petani haminjon itu antara lain adalah James Sinambela, 49 th, Mausin Lumbanbatu, 62 th, Sartono Lumbangaol, 43 th, Medialaham Lumbangaol, 26 th, Urupan Sinambela, 50 tahun, Kersi Sihite, Binner Lumbangaol, Jibbo Sihite, 45 tahun, Anto Nainggolan, 25 tahun, Ama Ritta Sitanggang, 40, Jabonar Munthe,40, Jahot Situmorang, 40 tahun, dan Tipak Nainggolan, 25 tahun.
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Konflik antara masyarakat desa pandumaan dan sipitu huta versus PT. Toba Pulp Lestari telah menjadi issu nasional, yang dipicu oleh aksi PT TPL yang melakukan penebangan yang diduga illegal terhadap tombak kemenyan milik rakyat dan penangkapan terhadap 4 orang petani oleh aparat Polres humbang hasundutan. Upaya dialog yang telah dilakukan berbagai pihak yang peduli dengan persoalan ini, ternyata diingkari oleh PT. TPL. Penebangan pohon kemenyan terus berlanjut.
Petani kemenyan seperti berkejaran dengan waktu. Ketika dialog dimulai, penebangan pohon kemenyan terus berlangsung di hutan. Kepiting dan alat berat lainnya terus melakukan penebangan. Ini artinya pihak TPL tidak menghargai dialog. Teknologi pemotongan kayu tentu tidak sebanding dengan kemampuan petani untuk melakukan pengawasan. Untuk mencapai lokasi tengah hutan dimana TPL melakukan penebangan saja, dibutuhkan 4 jam perjalanan dari desa. “Karena itu, petani kemenyan memutuskan untuk turun kehutan dan melakukan pengusiran terhadap TPL,”kata Lumbangaol.
Tombak kemenyan yang telah diusahai oleh rakyat ratusan tahun lamanya secara mendadak ditebangi oleh PT TPL. Lahan yang ditebangi, hanya dalam beberapa hari saja sudah mencapai ratusan hektar, diikuti dengan pembangunan ruas jalan disetiap lahan yang dibuka. PT. TPL bersikukuh bahwa hutan pohon yang ditebangi tidak termasuk milik masyarakat, dan sudah mendapatkan ijin dari menteri kehutanan. TPL rajin berkampanye, bahwa mereka tidak akan menebangi kemenyan, nyatanya mereka menebangi kemenyan kami,”Ungkap Sinambela.
Kahumas PT. TPL, Chairuddin Pasaribu, dalam dialog di kantor Bakumsu Medan, tanggal 27 Agustus 2009, menyampaikan bahwa mereka bekerja sesuai dengan Rencana Kerja Tahunan yang telah disahkan sesuai keputusan Ijin Usaha Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Kayu Hutan Tanaman Industri (IUPHHK-HTI) No. 493/Kpts-II/1992 yang disetujui oleh Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Propinsi Sumatera Utara, Ir. J.B. Siringoringo di Medan tanggal 29 Januari 2009. Lambertus Siregar, kepala CSR PT. TPL, dalam pertemuan yang sama menyampaikan bahwa kehadiran TPL untuk mensejahterakan masyarakat. “Kami tidak menebangi Kemenyan, malah TPL sudah membudidayakan benih Kemenyan untuk diserahkan kepada petani,”tambahnya.
Pernyataan ini disanggah oleh Sinambela, salah seorang petani kemenyan karena faktanya TPL melakukan penebangan pohon-pohon kemenyan. Pengalaman kami dan nenek moyang kami ratusan tahun membuktikan bahwa kemenyan hanya bisa hidup di hutan berdampingan dengan pohon-pohon yang lain, oleh karena itu penebangan seluruh pepohonan di hutan, dengan sendirinya akan membuat kemenyan punah, “Sanggahnya.
Bagaimanapun, berbagai dialog yang telah diupayakan berkali-kali tidak membuahkan hasil, malah yang terjadi adalah petani kemenyan terus menerus harus was-was, karena setiap waktu, jumlah tersangka bertambah. Hingga laporan ini ditulis, telah terdapat 14 orang tersangka petani kemenyan oleh pihak Polres Humbahas. Kapolda Sumatera Utara, Irjen Badrodin Haiti kelihatannya langsung melakukan perintah. Ada petunjuk dari kapolda,”Ujar Kasat reskrim Polres Humbahas, AKP Victor Sibarani, seperti dikutip sebuah media nasional.
Bagi polisi dan TPL mereka adalah pelaku pengrusakan, tetapi bagi rakyat Indonesia, mereka akan dikenang sebagai pahlawan. Ke 13 pahlawan dan pejuang petani haminjon itu antara lain adalah James Sinambela, 49 th, Mausin Lumbanbatu, 62 th, Sartono Lumbangaol, 43 th, Medialaham Lumbangaol, 26 th, Urupan Sinambela, 50 tahun, Kersi Sihite, Binner Lumbangaol, Jibbo Sihite, 45 tahun, Anto Nainggolan, 25 tahun, Ama Ritta Sitanggang, 40, Jabonar Munthe,40, Jahot Situmorang, 40 tahun, dan Tipak Nainggolan, 25 tahun.
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Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Mosquito Mystery Explained
Here you go, finally got the most interesting article on 'mosquitos'. am looking for quite long and really curious why mosquitos like me so much.....
If you're one of those people whom mosquitoes tend to favor, maybe it's because you aren't sufficiently stressed-out.
Insects have very keen powers of smell that direct them to their targets. But for researchers trying to figure out what attracts or repels the pests, sorting through the 300 to 400 distinct chemical odors that the human body produces has proved daunting.
Michael C. Witte
Now scientists at Rothamsted Research in the U.K. have been making headway at understanding why some people can end up with dozens of bites after a backyard barbecue, while others remain unscathed. The researchers have identified a handful of the body's chemical odors—some of which may be related to stress—that are present in significantly larger concentrations in people that the bugs are happier to leave alone. If efforts to synthesize these particular chemicals are successful, the result could be an all-natural mosquito repellent that is more effective and safer than products currently available.
"Mosquitoes fly through an aerial soup of chemicals, but can home in on those that draw them to humans," says James Logan, a researcher at Rothamsted, one of the world's oldest agricultural-research institutions. But when the combination of human odors is wrong, he says, "the mosquito fails to recognize this signal as a potential blood meal."
The phenomenon that some people are more prone to mosquito bites than others is well documented. In the 1990s, chemist Ulrich Bernier, now at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service, began looking for what he calls the "magic compounds" that attract mosquitoes. His research helped to show that mosquitoes are attracted to humans by blends of common chemicals such as carbon dioxide, released from the skin and by exhaling, and lactic acid, which is present on the skin, especially when we exercise. But none of the known attractant chemicals explained why mosquitoes preferred some people to others.
Rothamsted's Dr. Logan says the answer isn't to be found in attractant chemicals. He and colleagues observed that everyone produces chemicals that mosquitoes like, but those who are unattractive to mosquitoes produce more of certain chemicals that repel them.
Misguided Mosquitoes
"The repellents were what made the difference," says Dr. Logan, who is interested in the study of how animals communicate using smell. These chemicals may cloud or mask the attractive chemicals, or may disable mosquitoes from being able to detect those attractive odors, he suggests.
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Besides delivering annoying bites, mosquitoes cause hundreds of millions of cases of disease each year. As many as 500 million cases of malaria are contracted globally each year, and more than one million people die from it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mosquitoes can also spread West Nile virus, dengue fever, yellow fever and other illnesses.
Currently the most effective repellents on the market often contain a chemical known as DEET, which has been associated in some studies with potential safety concerns, such as cancer and Gulf War syndrome. It also damages materials made of plastic. The federal Environmental Protection Agency has determined that DEET, when used as directed, is safe.
The Rothamsted team set out to get the mosquitoes' viewpoint. The researchers separated human volunteers into two groups—those who were attractive to mosquitoes and those who weren't. They then put each of the volunteers into body-size foil bags for two hours to collect their body odors. Using a machine known as a chromatograph, the scientists were able to separate the chemicals. They then tested each of them to see how the mosquitoes responded. By attaching microelectrodes to the insects' antennae, the researchers could measure the electrical impulses that are generated when mosquitoes recognize a chemical.
Dr. Logan and his team have found only a small number of body chemicals—seven or eight—that were present in significantly different quantities between those people who were attractive to mosquitoes and those who weren't. They then put their findings to the test. For this they used a so-called Y-tube olfactometer that allows mosquitoes to make a choice and fly toward or away from an individual's hand. After applying the chemicals thought to be repellant on the hands of individuals known to be attractive, Dr. Logan found that the bugs either flew in the opposite direction or weren't motivated by the person's smell to fly at all.
The chemicals were then tested to determine their impact on actual biting behavior. Volunteers put their arms in a box containing mosquitoes, one arm coated with repellent chemicals and the other without, to see if the arm without the coating got bitten more.
Significant Repellency
The group's latest paper, published in March in the Journal of Medical Entomology, identified two compounds with "significant repellency." One of the compounds, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, is a skin-derived compound that has the odor of toned-down nail-polish remover, according to George Preti, an organic chemist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, who is involved in a separate line of research into insect-biting behavior. The other, identified in the paper as geranylacetone, has a pleasant odor, though there is some question about whether the chemical is formed by the human biochemical process or is picked up in the environment, Dr. Preti says.
Dr. Logan declined to comment about the specific chemicals because of proprietary concerns. He says the findings have been patented and the group is working with a commercial company to develop the compounds into a usable insect repellent. One issue that still needs to be resolved: how to develop a formulation of the repellent chemicals that will stay on the skin, rather than quickly evaporating as they do naturally. The hope is to get a product to market within a year or two, he says.
Some of the chemicals researchers identified are believed to be related to stress, Dr. Logan says. Previous research has shown that these particular chemicals could be converted from certain other molecules and this could be as a result of oxidation in the body at times of stress, he says. However, it's not clear if the chemicals observed by the Rothamsted researchers were created in this way, and research is continuing to answer this and other questions.
Dr. Logan suggests that mosquitoes may deem hosts that emit more of these chemicals to be diseased or injured and "not a good quality blood meal." Proteins in the blood are necessary for female mosquitoes to produce fertile eggs, and Dr. Logan says it might be evolutionarily advantageous for mosquitoes to detect and avoid such people.
Other Research
Other research includes an effort by scientists at the University of California, Riverside, who published a paper in the journal Nature last week identifying a recently discovered class of molecules that inhibit fruit flies' and mosquitoes' ability to detect carbon dioxide. Mosquitoes can detect carbon dioxide emissions from long ranges, so turning off the ability to detect the gas, perhaps by releasing the inhibiting molecules into the environment, may be a way of keeping the bugs at bay, the researchers suggest. Another team, at the Monell Chemical Senses Center, is launching a study into whether the taste of human skin and blood are related to the insects' interest in biting certain individuals.
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If you're one of those people whom mosquitoes tend to favor, maybe it's because you aren't sufficiently stressed-out.
Insects have very keen powers of smell that direct them to their targets. But for researchers trying to figure out what attracts or repels the pests, sorting through the 300 to 400 distinct chemical odors that the human body produces has proved daunting.
Michael C. Witte
Now scientists at Rothamsted Research in the U.K. have been making headway at understanding why some people can end up with dozens of bites after a backyard barbecue, while others remain unscathed. The researchers have identified a handful of the body's chemical odors—some of which may be related to stress—that are present in significantly larger concentrations in people that the bugs are happier to leave alone. If efforts to synthesize these particular chemicals are successful, the result could be an all-natural mosquito repellent that is more effective and safer than products currently available.
"Mosquitoes fly through an aerial soup of chemicals, but can home in on those that draw them to humans," says James Logan, a researcher at Rothamsted, one of the world's oldest agricultural-research institutions. But when the combination of human odors is wrong, he says, "the mosquito fails to recognize this signal as a potential blood meal."
The phenomenon that some people are more prone to mosquito bites than others is well documented. In the 1990s, chemist Ulrich Bernier, now at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service, began looking for what he calls the "magic compounds" that attract mosquitoes. His research helped to show that mosquitoes are attracted to humans by blends of common chemicals such as carbon dioxide, released from the skin and by exhaling, and lactic acid, which is present on the skin, especially when we exercise. But none of the known attractant chemicals explained why mosquitoes preferred some people to others.
Rothamsted's Dr. Logan says the answer isn't to be found in attractant chemicals. He and colleagues observed that everyone produces chemicals that mosquitoes like, but those who are unattractive to mosquitoes produce more of certain chemicals that repel them.
Misguided Mosquitoes
"The repellents were what made the difference," says Dr. Logan, who is interested in the study of how animals communicate using smell. These chemicals may cloud or mask the attractive chemicals, or may disable mosquitoes from being able to detect those attractive odors, he suggests.
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Besides delivering annoying bites, mosquitoes cause hundreds of millions of cases of disease each year. As many as 500 million cases of malaria are contracted globally each year, and more than one million people die from it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mosquitoes can also spread West Nile virus, dengue fever, yellow fever and other illnesses.
Currently the most effective repellents on the market often contain a chemical known as DEET, which has been associated in some studies with potential safety concerns, such as cancer and Gulf War syndrome. It also damages materials made of plastic. The federal Environmental Protection Agency has determined that DEET, when used as directed, is safe.
The Rothamsted team set out to get the mosquitoes' viewpoint. The researchers separated human volunteers into two groups—those who were attractive to mosquitoes and those who weren't. They then put each of the volunteers into body-size foil bags for two hours to collect their body odors. Using a machine known as a chromatograph, the scientists were able to separate the chemicals. They then tested each of them to see how the mosquitoes responded. By attaching microelectrodes to the insects' antennae, the researchers could measure the electrical impulses that are generated when mosquitoes recognize a chemical.
Dr. Logan and his team have found only a small number of body chemicals—seven or eight—that were present in significantly different quantities between those people who were attractive to mosquitoes and those who weren't. They then put their findings to the test. For this they used a so-called Y-tube olfactometer that allows mosquitoes to make a choice and fly toward or away from an individual's hand. After applying the chemicals thought to be repellant on the hands of individuals known to be attractive, Dr. Logan found that the bugs either flew in the opposite direction or weren't motivated by the person's smell to fly at all.
The chemicals were then tested to determine their impact on actual biting behavior. Volunteers put their arms in a box containing mosquitoes, one arm coated with repellent chemicals and the other without, to see if the arm without the coating got bitten more.
Significant Repellency
The group's latest paper, published in March in the Journal of Medical Entomology, identified two compounds with "significant repellency." One of the compounds, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, is a skin-derived compound that has the odor of toned-down nail-polish remover, according to George Preti, an organic chemist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, who is involved in a separate line of research into insect-biting behavior. The other, identified in the paper as geranylacetone, has a pleasant odor, though there is some question about whether the chemical is formed by the human biochemical process or is picked up in the environment, Dr. Preti says.
Dr. Logan declined to comment about the specific chemicals because of proprietary concerns. He says the findings have been patented and the group is working with a commercial company to develop the compounds into a usable insect repellent. One issue that still needs to be resolved: how to develop a formulation of the repellent chemicals that will stay on the skin, rather than quickly evaporating as they do naturally. The hope is to get a product to market within a year or two, he says.
Some of the chemicals researchers identified are believed to be related to stress, Dr. Logan says. Previous research has shown that these particular chemicals could be converted from certain other molecules and this could be as a result of oxidation in the body at times of stress, he says. However, it's not clear if the chemicals observed by the Rothamsted researchers were created in this way, and research is continuing to answer this and other questions.
Dr. Logan suggests that mosquitoes may deem hosts that emit more of these chemicals to be diseased or injured and "not a good quality blood meal." Proteins in the blood are necessary for female mosquitoes to produce fertile eggs, and Dr. Logan says it might be evolutionarily advantageous for mosquitoes to detect and avoid such people.
Other Research
Other research includes an effort by scientists at the University of California, Riverside, who published a paper in the journal Nature last week identifying a recently discovered class of molecules that inhibit fruit flies' and mosquitoes' ability to detect carbon dioxide. Mosquitoes can detect carbon dioxide emissions from long ranges, so turning off the ability to detect the gas, perhaps by releasing the inhibiting molecules into the environment, may be a way of keeping the bugs at bay, the researchers suggest. Another team, at the Monell Chemical Senses Center, is launching a study into whether the taste of human skin and blood are related to the insects' interest in biting certain individuals.
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